
About Me

image My name is Peter McMahon, a Game Mastter and aspiring writer of over 8 years and counting. With a passion for storytelling and a love of all things lore and world-building I have embarked on a quest to bring the art of interactive storytelling to life through the famous Dungeons & Dragons 5e system (and more systems to come). There is nothing I like more than plunging players into a plane of palpable intrigue and weaving a tale of thrilling exploits for others to sink their imaginations into, so I hope you and your friends will take a journey with me and become masters of your own epic adventure!

When I was a child, my mum and dad would engage my brother and me with stories, my favourite of which being the Tales of Redwall Abbey by Brian Jacques. During these pre-bedtime sessions my mum would put on the voices of the various characters from the stories she read and she would insist we look up words in the dictionary when she read one to us that we didn't understand. My dad would use his talents for the spoken word to weave improvised tales of a dragon named Grogadil and his adventures throughout the lands. This hand-on storytelling from my parents nurtured in me a true passion for the power and intrigue of storytelling and the plethora of possibilities of theme to be explored in this way.

My passion has led me to strive to bring the joys of storytelling to as many people as possible and D&D is just one of the best ways to do this while allowing people to take part within the story as well. I believe storytelling is a pure artform and a fantastic study of the world around us so I urge you to join me for an unforgettable, entirely imaginable adventure of the mind.

Lore On Order Mission Statement

The mission of Lore On Order is to stoke the fire of imagination in as many people as I can reach. I strive for the best in storytelling and see it as a duty of Lore On Order to show the world the finest entertainment in story-crafting that I can possibly bring.

One of the main purposes of this business is to use the funds made through it to continuously build on my tabletop gaming resources in order to offer more complete and immersive experiences for my clients, allowing you access to tabletop experiences that would otherwise be too expensive and time consuming for the average free GM to provide.

Plainly and simply Lore On Order promises to deliver professional storytelling, impeccable Game Mastering and a completely stress-free Dungeons & Dragons experience for all whether new or experienced players!

The Importance of Storytelling

image Throughout the centuries, mankind has used storytelling to warn of the world around us. Even the Greeks would use stories of the jealousness and unpredictability of the gods to caution against the struggle between humans and the universe as depicted in stories such as Icarus and Sisyphus. Storytelling has long been the basis of many cultural traditions and education tools, these days we see storytelling mostly in movies and books but, at the end of the day, even these mediums invoke a sense of detachment to characters and their actions as opposed to interactive storytelling.

Dungeons and Dragons is one of the most useful and immersive storytelling tools as it allows a group of individuals to be a part of the storytelling process in giving life to their characters choices, therefore allowing participants to become an integral part of, and influencer in the story. I believe storytelling can provoke meaningful conversations about life, the universe and morality, which makes and without these discussions the uniqueness of humankind would suffer the full force of loneliness and paranoia of the world in which we live.